Posters and Banners in Airport Advertising: What You Need to Know

Posters and banners are staple formats in advertising. They’re relatively easy to produce, are cost effective and have the flexibility in size. Here’s the lowdown on posters and banners used for airport advertising. Read up on what posters and banners can and cannot do, to give you a better picture of how to use them effectively.

Posters & Banners Work for Airport Advertising

Cost-Effective Advertising

Posters and banners are among some of the more affordable advertising formats available. Their production costs are relatively low compared to digital displays or interactive installations. There’s a reason why these are the go-to of businesses that work with limited budgets. 

Large & Wide Reach and Visibility

Banners can be rendered small scale or large scale. They can be as small as you need them, or be absolutely massive if you have the coin to spare. Strategically placing them at densely populated areas such as arrival or departure areas is great for exposure. 

Simplicity and Clarity of Message

Most banners and posters are really straightforward. They won’t cause too much advertising fatigue and they deliver your message in one punch. But it all really depends on the advertiser’s design. A well thought out banner can be absolutely eye catching if done right, and combined with the previous points, can net you massive ROI. 

Things To Consider When Going For Posters and Banners

Limited Engagement and Interactivity

Because posters and banners are static, they can’t engage viewers beyond the initial visual impact. Less audience engagement can sometimes be less attractive as we now live in hyper visual times and consumers are accustomed to interactive content. Posters and banners may not be hyper visual, but they can play a steady presence in busy, visual traffic.

Time Is Of The Essence

Posters and banners are not easily changeable once printed and installed. Less flexibility can sometimes be a disadvantage in fast-paced marketing environments where messages need to be updated regularly to reflect new promotions, seasonal campaigns, or time-bound information. Digital formats allow for instantaneous updates and can be more responsive to quick-changing marketing needs. The key is using a singular, strong message that stands the test of time on posters and banners.

Environmental Footprints

Posters and banners are typically made from materials like paper, vinyl, or other plastics, which may not be recyclable or biodegradable. Consciousness on sustainability is on the rise, and the continued use of these materials and its impact on the environment lead more decision makers to consider other greener alternatives.

The Sign That Works

Posters and banners offer several significant benefits for airport advertising, including cost-effectiveness, wide reach, and the simplicity of delivering a clear singular message. Armed with these pointers, weigh the values better and choose what meets your marketing objectives.

NAIA Terminal 1, International Departure