Getting to know the Philippine Airport Audience - Part 1

Airports, bustling gateways connecting travelers from all walks of life, present a unique and dynamic platform for advertisers seeking to captivate diverse audiences. In this article, let’s take a look at different types of people at the airport to give you an edge on how to fine-tune your brand message and advertisements to cater to them.

Business Travelers and Professionals

Advertising done right can lead to so many opportunities for you and these types of travelers. They're business decision-makers that open doors for all sorts of B2B engagements and deals. On the other hand, professionals travel to different parts of the world to hone their ever-expanding repertoire.

Remember, first impressions last! Try focusing your marketing on:

  • Business Opportunities
  • Equipment or Services that cater to professionals
  • Productivity Enhancing Apps


Families can vary in size and age groups. You’ll encounter families whose members are adults and young families that travel with children. Their needs revolve around providing a comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone. The amenities and services they look for will differ by age range - from children's playtime to entertainment the whole family shares.

Advertisers can emphasize the following:

  • Child-friendly services like play areas
  • Stroller rentals
  • Kid-friendly dining options
  • Family travel deals
  • Vacation packages that cater to family interests and activities


Vacationers are individuals who seek fun, personal growth, independence, and unique experiences. They relish the freedom to set their own itineraries, immerse themselves in local cultures, and engage in authentic offbeat experiences. While valuing their independence, some who travel solo appreciate opportunities to connect with fellow travelers and locals.

On the other hand, international vacationers from different countries are driven by a desire to explore new cultures, iconic attractions, and historical sites. They seek cross-cultural connections, savor local cuisine, and collect meaningful souvenirs.

For International Vacationers, advertisers can showcase the following:

  • Cultural experiences
  • Local cuisine
  • Language translation services
  • SIM cards
  • International data plans
  • Duty-free shopping with globally recognized brands

And for Vacationers on Solo Travel:

  • Ads for personalized travel experiences
  • City tours
  • Socializing platforms
  • Solo-friendly accommodations
  • Adventure activities that encourage independent exploration

Adventure Seekers

An extreme form of tourism that only the brave may dare experience. Adventure seekers live for the thrill of excitement and the rush of endorphins as they take part in adventures that pose a high degree of risk like high-speed dirt bike races, paragliding, rappelling, or anything that will get the blood and adrenaline pumping.

Help give the Adventure Seeker a push to overcome their boundaries and try advertising the following:

  • Adventure travel gear
  • Outdoor excursions
  • Extreme sports activities
  • Travel insurance for adventure sports
  • Expeditions to exotic destinations known for thrilling experiences
Luxury Travelers

They are travelers who are looking for the finer things in life. They revel in luxury and seek the epitome of sophistication during their journeys. Airports give more sense of grandeur than your typical mall since their international nature already elevates the brand setting and experience.

Take advantage of the Airport's natural inclination towards luxury, advertising the following are perfect in the airport setting:

  • Luxury accommodations
  • VIP airport services
  • High-end fashion and accessories
  • Gourmet dining options
  • Exclusive airport lounges


Flying off to another country for academic purposes can be a significant event for many students. The world is teeming with opportunities for discovery and personal growth, perfect for molding what's to become of that student. As delightful as it may sound, it doesn't change the fact that most students don't have the luxury of overspending.  

That's why it’s a must to consider the budget when advertising to students. As an advertiser, try focusing on the following:

  • Budget-friendly accommodations
  • Study abroad programs
  • Travel insurance tailored for students
  • Educational travel apps
  • Student discounts on flights, attractions, and services


At one point in all our busy, working years, there’s always that wish that we will travel the world when we get older. That opportunity can come early or when we're old and gray, but the time for travel will always be there. With considerations for comfort and accessibility, the senior group might not be too budget-conscious but most likely will choose convenience and ease.  

Make the journey memorable and offer:

  • Senior-friendly travel packages
  • Accessible accommodations
  • Health and wellness services
  • Travel insurance with medical coverage
  • Group travel options catering to seniors' preferences.

There are many ways to craft your brand message and ad, but the first important step is making sure you have a good idea of the audience you want to reach out to. They’re all here at the airport!