Digital Displays in Airport Ads: What You Need to Know

Airports explode in aural and visual stimuli. One contributor to said stimuli are Digital Displays. These dynamic and high-tech formats offer several benefits but also come with certain challenges. Here are some benefits of using LED screens and digital displays for airport advertising and some reasons for alternatives.

Benefits of LED Screens/Digital Displays for Airport Advertising

Dynamic and Engaging Content

LED screens and digital displays allow the presentation of moving images, videos, animations, and even interactive content. With the wonders of video today, advertisers and brands can let their imagination go full on, creating ads that are more memorable than other traditional formats.

Real-Time Updates and Flexibility

Compared to other formats, this is what makes digital display so competitive. Advertisers can quickly and easily change their messages to reflect current promotions, seasonal campaigns, or immediate information. This flexibility is integral in keeping your brand’s messages timely and relevant. 

High Visibility and Reach

Airports are always packed with travelers. Place them on waiting areas, check-in counters, or walkways where they’re most open and receptive to anything that can fill traveler down time or boredom. The catchier the ads, the better it is for brand recall.

Things To Consider When Going for Digital Displays

They’re not low-key Investments

The installation of LED screens and digital displays can be costly. The LED screens themselves, along with installation and integration with existing systems, can be substantial. Additionally, there are ongoing operational costs, including maintenance, repairs, and electricity consumption. These expenses can be a barrier for smaller advertisers or those with limited budgets. These costs can always be recouped from effective results by choosing the right partners and suppliers. 

Still Susceptible to Bugs

Advanced as they may be, Digital Displays can still have technical issues such as malfunctions, software glitches, and hardware failures. Maintaining these screens to ensure they operate smoothly requires technical expertise and can incur additional costs. Downtime due to technical problems can also result in lost advertising opportunities and reduced effectiveness.

Getting Lost In A Sea of Ads

With so many digital displays saturating many public spaces, there is a growing risk of "ad blindness," where frequent exposure to digital ads leads to people tuning them out. In contrast, more novel or unique advertising formats might capture attention more effectively. In a sea of moving ads, sometimes a digital ad needs to work a lot harder to become effective. 

Dynamic & Digital

LED screens and digital displays offer great benefits for brands and advertisers but they also come with a set of drawbacks that might be deal breakers for some. Their pros and cons are as dynamic as the ads that play in them and it will take effective weighing of these pointers to find what will meet brand goals.

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