Carousel Belt

This particular media is a unique indoor alternative using the Carousel Belt's side skirts, conveyor belts, and chute.

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A Dominating Package

Ads spots on the Carousel Belts are best as a complete package to support the idea of a dominating brand presence. This ad format and space go by the lot, creating brand exclusivity and dominating effect.

Worth the Wait

Quirky ads on the Carousel Belt can make the wait for luggage a little less boring. Give passengers something else to stare at besides their phones. Your ad, rendered well, can be the most eye-catching thing around!

Boundless Creativity

Carousels present a template for creative freedom thanks to their layout. Take advantage of their design and make something refreshingly out-of-the-box!

Locations available

NAIA Terminal 1
Terminal 1 offers numerous ad spots with excellent visibility throughout the premises. With the clever use of lighting (both natural and indoor) as well as thoughtful ad placement, you can create an ad experience that international guests will write home about.
NAIA Terminal 2
For years, this terminal has always been the go-to for domestic flights. Filipinos from all backgrounds know this terminal well, as it has been their gateway to the other parts of the country where travel by road is unavailable.
NAIA Terminal 3
As the newest addition to NAIA, Terminal 3 is the largest of the terminals and carries a range of amenities for passengers of all nationalities.
Clark International Airport
Located in Pampanga, Clark International Airport is the alternative to the only other international airport hub in Manila. Its clean and stylistic interior enhances ad placements, providing a perfect home for your brand.
Bacolod-Silay Airport
Bacolod-Silay Airport replaced the former Bacolod Domestic Airport to bring the airport into modern times.